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Learn to sail
For those of you who’d like to who’d like to explore the possibility of becoming a sailor, we are offering (free of charge and included in your Exclusive Charter price), the chance to learn the basics of sailing with an experienced sailing instructor, without having to commit to an official sailing course.

We know that not everyone can afford to take the extra time off work, or the extra cost involved in paying for a separate Comp Crew sailing course to the exclusion of a family holiday. Taking us up on this free offer will give you the best of both worlds.

For example, perhaps Mum and Dad would like to explore sailing but the young ones and Aunty Gladys are more happy to relax and swim etc., not a problem, because it’s not an official course we can be flexible.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to dip your toe into the world of sailing and to check out if learning to sail is for you, whilst still enjoying a family break.

If after giving it a go, you decide that it’s not for you, there’s no obligation to continue with the coaching, you can simply relax and take it easy, it’s your holiday you choose.

But if you enjoy the experience your on the way toward attaining a skipper license, as the pre course requirement for a Day Skipper course is five days aboard a cruising yacht as an active crew member and 100 nautical miles which you’ll definitely exceed  with me.

During your week on board Blue Planet, you’ll be coached by Captain Rick who has trained countless sailors over the last ten years as an RYA instructor.

Those wishing to take part, will cover the basics of sailing, rope work, basic navigation, and general seamanship, and you’ll cover at least 100 miles over 6 days at sea as active crew members, which is the pre-course requirement for the Day Skipper course should you wish to sign up for it at a later date.

All of this whilst visiting beautiful village harbours and bays, and dining at our excellent hand picked Tavernas, interspersed with stop offs for swimming and the odd BBQ on board.

It could be that after an easy-going educational week at sea, you decide that the world of yachting is for you, and are inspired go further with training, you definitely wouldn’t be the first, I’ve seen this life changing affirmation many times.

So go ahead and take us up on this unique free offer and explore the world of sailing in 2022, it could be a life changing opportunity for you!